Monday, March 1, 2010

Fisrt Day of School

The morning of the big day!!!
(Keaton almost 2.5 year old & Lily 3 weeks old)

At the front door with his lunchbox
(...he picked out his Lightning McQueen lunchbox
and is so excited to take it to school)

Mrs. Erica & Mrs. Sharon...Keaton's first teachers!

Keaton went to school for his first time on March 1st...
At the beginning there were lots of tears when mommy and daddy said goodbye...but at the end of the day he said he had a good day...lots of adjusting for the K-man!
He will be going to school on Monday, Wednesday & Friday...and starting preschool in September...or when he is potty trained!
I can't believe how big he is getting
...oh how time flies!!!


Anonymous said...

Keaton makes going to school look like FUN!

Unknown said...

Aw, Keaton is growing up so fast! I can't believe he's already in school.