Friday, July 11, 2008

We are Moving!!!

We are home owners! We are excited to tell everyone that we have a new house in Mission Viejo! It has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a great backyard with a view!!! (...a big thanks to our great Realtors Danielle & Jim for all their hard work!) We will be moving in this month and out of our Irvine place before the 1st of August! We can't wait to share our home with our friends and are welcome anytime!


Kelley said...

Keaton is SO cute. Sorry I've been a flake w/ getting together. 2 kids is total craziness. I didn't know you had a blog. So excited to be able to check in on you. Let's get together when Krista is here next week. Glad you'll be in MV. You new home is precious!

Unknown said...

Congrats Katie and Aaron!! This is so exciting! I would love to see you all when I'm down in OC. I'll be in town from July 22-27 for my brother's wedding. I miss you both and my lil Keaton. He's getting so big- and cuter by the day ;-) Hope to see you next week! xoxo, Krista

Katie Fennimore said...

Thanks girls...I would love to see you both next week!!!

JetSetJason said...

GREAT seeing you guys last weekend! New house means housewarming party! I suggest leaving the furniture out until the party has passed. ;>

Marisa said...

Congratulations Katie, Aaron and Keaton! I hadn't been to your site in a while and it looks like I checked at the right time! The house looks great and Keaton is getting so big! I hope we can all get together soon (after your move). It has been too long. Marisa

Kelley said...

Post some pictures of the house. I can't wait to see the creative things you've done to your new home. I was in your neighborhood this evening...would've knocked if I had your address. Hopefully we can play soon!