Day 2
We woke up a bit to the time change and all Keaton wanted to do is go on the train.
But, before we went on the train we needed to feed our tummies! We walked down to the end of the boardwalk to Swan Court at the Hyatt for a yummy breakfast. On the way out we stopped to see the penguins, macaw birds, swans and the beautiful grounds of the hotel! Then we set up camp on the beach for a few hours for some early morning fun. The kiddos enjoyed the beach gear that we rented & had a blast getting sandy, eating sand, building sand castles, digging holes & playing in & with the ocean water! Then we showered off and set off for the Sugar Cane Train. We stopped off in Lahaina for some lunch at Cheeseburgers in Paradise & after at the Ono Gelato Co for some good desert! Then we headed back to catch the train...but, we missed it...oops...we finally made it back and enjoyed some great dinner and some more fun on the beach!