Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rancho La Quinta

Fun times again in Rancho La Quinta!

Robb & Jessica

My brother is getting married on September 25th
...and we are so excited !!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Monday, May 24, 2010

Kimi's 3rd Shower


My mom's friends Linda, Barbara & Karen put on a great baby shower for my sister Kimi
at Karen's house...adorable decor, yummy food, and fun ladies! It was Lily's first shower & she can't wait to meet her cousin Hugh someday soon!
...he will be arriving sometime at the end of June!

Desert Trip!

A fun weekend in La Quinta!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010


Kimi had her 2nd baby shower on June 21st. I hosted the shower with her good friends Jessica and Amanda. Jessica's mom & dad were so nice to help out and let us use there great home for the party. There was lots of yummy food & dessert & some silly games! We all can't wait till Baby McDonough enters the world...we love him already!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday or Thursday

A typical morning on Tuesday or Thursday for Keaton is ....get up, eat breakfast, say buy buy to daddy, get dressed, brush teeth, watch some cartoons or play trains so mommy can: get dressed/feed & dress Lily/pack the car... get shoes on, get in the car, get into the double stroller with Lily, eat snacks & watch the people while mommy runs around the lake, get out of the stroller and play at the park...kick the soccer ball, find rollie-pollies, ride bike, swing, go down and up slides, eat a snack, play in the sand, make new friends, chase birds, climb..etc!
This is all before noon!