Sunday, March 29, 2009


We went to Disneyland & California Adventure on Sunday afternoon. Keaton went on the rockets for his first time....he was a little scared...maybe we will stick to Dumbo next time! Then we watched the parade, went on the Jungle Cruise, and the Merry-Go-Round (His Favorite of the day!) Then we were off to try to get away from the massive crowds to Cal Adv., still lots of people! We let Keaton run around the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail...he loved crossing all the swinging bridges and watching all the kids slide on the tire swings. Then we went to Turtle Talk with Crush....we made it about 5 min. into the show...strike 2..Keaton was ready for some food and a snooze! Thanks again Sharon & Vince for the great Annual Passes...we will be back again next month for more fun!

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Saturday..... First we took Keaton to Irvine Regional Park for the Easter Eggstravaganza! He loved riding on the train, seeing all the animals, and running everywhere! Then we went to the Orange County Zoo inside the park ...Keaton enjoyed the petting zoo with all the mini goats!....then it was home for some lunch and some zzzz's! In the afternoon we went to Melinda Park ....Soccer, Soccer, Soccer...was wall Keaton wanted to do....but we did get some slide & swing time in!!! After the park we went to Cherry On Top for some yummy frozen yogurt to cool off from the heat! ...When we got home we were surprized to get a new big play house/slide from our neighbors--thank you--Keaton loves it!!! What a fun Saturday!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

On Sunday night we had Gerry & his little sis Heather over for dinner. It was great chatting and seeing you both! Thank you for the beautiful flowers & Keaton thanks you for the awesome Batman toy!

MARCH 22nd

Happy Birthday Papa G!!! What a fun birthday celebration....Keaton loved helping Papa G blow out his candles ....he also loved all the yummy food especially the mini burgers & chocolate cake!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Serrano Park

Off to another park: Serrano Park in Lake Forrest.... with an extra bonus of Horse Stables next door!


Excited to play with Ben at Olympic Park...a favorite of Keaton's!


Keaton on the Merry-Go-Round at Irvine Spectrum Center....excited, amused, scared, surprised and expressive all at once! .. (sorry you have to turn your head...have not figured that out yet!)

Pittsford Park

Enjoying the day at Pittsford Park in Lake Forrest... it is one of Keaton's Favorite Parks!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A week with Keaton

A week with Keaton.... He loves to.... play in the backyard, ride his car & bike, dig in the dirt, watch the birds & squirrels, point to every plane or truck, go to new playgrounds (but, make sure that the playground has a wheel & swings to play with/on), climb up everything, see the ducks that have come for the past week in our neighborhood (but, he rather eat the bread than feed the ducks), explore & run around new places, get soaked at CA Adventure & run around Tom Sawyers island at Disneyland, have lunch with Aunt Mimi, see any water fountain, walk GG & Papa G's doggies Buster & Zoey, hang with GG, try to color on paper and not the walls, kick & bounce balls, eat eggs, peaunut butter toast & oatmeal at breakfast, try to eat an apple and say apple, jump on the bed, play in mommies car, say "hi" to strangers, read books and try to say the names & make the sounds of all the animals in the books, watch trailers on the computer, watch elmo, explore the nature trail behind our house to see where the squirrls & rabbits live, ride in the "car" shopping cart at the grocery store, giggle when mommie and daddy tickle him, play with sticks, say "oooh", play with toy cars, take long baths (loves the water), & dance, dance, dance to music!